A Fox in a Box

Deer Stalkers Lovely hat, just like the one my father wore and which hung on a peg for decades – an earliest memory.  He actually tried to train our new puppy crossbreed as a shooting dog, and the poor thing was never the same again after he came back from those six weeks at theContinue reading “A Fox in a Box”

Poetry Page

If you have a moment then please take a look at this new page where you can find the links to my blog posts with my own poetry in. I write about issues such as my difficult childhood, and my feelings about the late Queen’s possible demise in the pandemic amongst others.

They’re Late Again – the Taxes

The Deil’s awaugh, the Deil’s awaugh,The Deil’s awaugh wi’ th’ excise man.(Robert Burns 1759-1796) I first heard this tune as we were sitting in a tin can, rattling along in the dark. Robert Burns’ famous song being roared at the tops of their voices by a bunch of overgrown boy scouts. Possibly Runrig fans tooContinue reading “They’re Late Again – the Taxes”